Real Man is a life-changing workshop that introduces the Initiation Ceremony and Rite of Passage into your Manhood.
By this, you get to create your identity as a Real Man through unbecoming and healing your traumas, wounds, and all your social conditioning that does not serve you.
ENROL NOWReal Man 1 Intention
The incredible process of Real Man 1 liberates and frees you into your authenticity as a Real Man to live a life you deserve, and where you become a great role model for future generations.
Real Man 1 Workshop is a rare and unique process.
It is time for the Real Man in you to rise to his occasion and stand as a sovereign individual in his place in humanity.
Discover the REAL Man in You with

I am a Real Man!

Tribe, Community, Brotherhood
On arrival, you will experience a Welcoming Ceremony process that introduces tribe, community, and brotherhood that supports everyone to evolve and rise to authentic greatness.
Our society has lost it’s sense of Tribe and Community. It takes a Tribe to raise a child. It Takes a tribe to heal an individual.
At Real Man you will also discover the power and significance of genuine male bonding –the bond of ‘brotherhood’ that has also been lost to modern society. Rediscovering this is yet another highlight of your unique Real Man Workshop experiences.
You’ll form friends from the Brotherhood that will be there for you for years long after the Workshops.
We need Tribe.
Real Man 1 ™
The Real Man 1™ & Real Man 2™ Workshops are powerful, transformational Workshops in which we use the most current and effective methodology to set in motion your own unique process of achieving profound and life-changing breakthroughs.
The Real Man 1 & 2™ Workshops integrate all the elements of you in a balanced, cohesive way giving you tools to discover and awaken your true identity. Understanding this enhances every area of your life and gives your life new meaning.
The Workshops reveal to you a whole new understanding of yourself, your family, and your partner and how social conditioning has not supported you or your relationship.
Facilitators and our Crew

You will be welcomed and supported by our well-trained Crew, (up to 35 Crew at any one Workshop), and led by our highly experienced Facilitators. All who have been in the growth field for many years.

A wound occurs when you have been hurt through offensive behaviours, betrayal, etc. that still occupies you emotionally. You slowly armour up your heart for protection and contract your way of being, becoming shut down and very cautious to others.
In the healing of the wound, you will experience great breakthroughs and understanding and will no longer carry this level of pain emotionally or physically.
Being traumatised put you in shock and core terror. The trauma has imprinted your amygdala part of your brain that triggers you into micro traumas that could leave you withdrawn, disowned or defensive and distorted.
Traumas leave you trapped inside your own internal echo chamber of mirrors that reflect back inappropriate behaviours that you are accustomed to, that you end up believing. You do not want to play them out, but you end up playing them out. You will recover the traumatised child as the traumatised adult and we will reimprint the amygdala part of the brain to full healing so you do not get triggered into disowning withdrawn or distorted reactive behaviours.

Social constructs of conditioning keep us in captivity from our authenticity.
This conditioning that will be revealed, that has been passed down to you from family dynamics, your childhood, your environment, and your unsupportive patterns will be cleansed.
You’ll experience profound breakthroughs where you’ll break free from your conditioning captivity.

The Real You vs The Ego You
You will see how your Ego and what we call ‘separate child’ were introduced. For example, there is the authentic child in you that is so pure, which at approx. 5 years old separated from the pure authentic child in you, so you could be a “somebody”.
“You should be this when you grow up, you should be that when you grow up, you should say hello to that person, you should say goodbye to that person, you should hug that person.”
Eventually you lose yourself to parental and societal conditioning. You have been wounded and traumatised, and to belong and feel safe, you separated yourself from the pure authentic child. When the child is separated between authenticity and being somebody, the Ego is created. Your Ego operates from pure fear and survival. It can be disowned. It can’t speak for itself or stand up for itself. It can be distorted, reactive, and defensive. Either way from this age onwards, the Ego takes control out of fear and survival. This is where we integrate the orphan in the child back to its original self; whole, complete and certain, where all of you is completely united.
Belief System
Conditioning, wounds and traumas all form a belief system that create a perception in life that you perceive in the outer world. As a result of this you attract similar circumstances so you can experience the feeling, whether it’s good or bad, destructive or advantageous.
We dismantle any unsupportive belief systems and change the pattern to create an experience you choose to feel from a foundation of inspiration and clarity.

It is the natural part of you that you were born to be. This is the pure essence of the original you. You will find this truthful authentic part of you, not driven by fear and ego making you be who you’re not. You end up being who you are. No one has to practice being authentic.
We take you through a process that releases you into living a life of certainty without the fear and survival of your Ego. You will have the tools and inner-freedom to never again be caught, paralysed, contracted and gripped with resistance, always hoping it’s going to get better.
Internal Power of Your Identity
You will meet your internal power of courage and bravery.
You will learn to live into the identity you were meant to live into. You will never have to avoid challenging moments. You will never have to justify your existence ever again.
You will give up the act of blame and judgement and live into the truth of your authentic identity with grace and honour. The beginnings of becoming liberated with your identity.
You learn to speak into the truth of what your body is saying and how to listen to the truth from your embodiment.
You learn to speak into your feelings, to speak into your heart and how to express your thoughts.

By the time you reach the age of 18, you have learnt how to wear 4 predominant masks that you hide behind and pretend to be who you are not, believing that you are so fatally wrong based on your upbringing and conditioning.
You were these masks so you are liked. At Real Man 1 we do a de-armouring of your masks so you can to return back to your pure authenticity, and never have to pretend to be yourself, or anyone else ever again.
We do this so you can live into the fullness of who you really are.
The de-armouring process releases you from pretending. Once the masks are gone, you never have to pretend again.
We were born to live into infinite amazing possibilities.
Box of Limits
You will discover you have been living in captivity, in your box of limits of your internal prison. Pretending to be free is unhealthy.
We take you through a process that dismantles and collapses your box of limits so you can embrace freedom and liberation within yourself, returning back to that amazing playful, curious child in the adult form, not worrying what everyone else thinks about you.

Man in Today's World
Men have faced a long-term challenge knowing that they’ve been emasculated as a young boy raised by their mother because their father wasn’t around.
Whilst the female movement has created Masculinity in the woman and independence and has risen, women complain where are the men today? Where is their masculinity? Where is the power? How can I fall into his pure masculine male container if he doesn’t own it and feel safe as a woman? He’s given up his king. The woman has become tired. She wants a man. She wants to be met.
So, the male must grow his masculinity, grow his power with grace and honour and become a noble king to lead. If he can’t it will have impact on the family dynamic and never be enough. Separation has been the highest in the world.
We need to grow as men, own our dark shadow and change.
Masculinity and Femininity
Masculinity and Femininity are energies within yourself, and with great power, you can move into either energy with great clarity, and choose supportive behaviours to manifest results.
This is a presence that's felt without words.
You will de-armour yourself from toxic Masculinity and Femininity, that have been introduced into your identity without your awareness, and turn these two toxic energetic characteristics into a conscious relating superpower.
You will learn a way of being that you were never taught as a young teenager.
Most of us have role-modelled the dark side of Masculinity and Femininity that play out in us in very dysfunctional ways that wreaks havoc within ourselves, relationships, and as a role model to our children.

Distorted Masculinity is blunt and harsh.
Disowned Masculinity is powerless and lost.
Distorted Femininity is scratchy and bitchy.
Disowned Femininity is weak and disorientated.

The powerful, brave leader in you that can stand and lead into the vision of your amazing future with clarity and certainty.
We reveal the shadow of the King, the dark side that distorts through being a tyrant, or disowns into a powerless, directionless non-manifesting leader.
Your Warrior Archetype is the courageous identity. The Warrior stands with power, clarity and takes action and creates movement in your life that is fearless, that has boundaries, grace, and honour.
Rather than the dark side of the Warrior that is distorted - the bully who is reckless, explosive, creating damage, always saying sorry. Or the disowned Warrior who is immobilised, terrified, stuck (unable to create movement in your life). Always running. Always escaping.
The Lover Archetype understands the beauty of giving and receiving unconditional Love. The Lover’s heart has been de-armoured and open, and the purity of Love is felt.
Rather than the distorted Lover that is clingy, conditional, syrupy, that says, “I can’t survive without you,” suffocating. Is manipulative and uses Love as a currency to get what you want. To the disowned Lover that is disconnected, wooden, very hallow, incapable of giving the transference of Love, creating emptiness and starvation. They are incapable of meeting their significant other/chosen loved ones.
The Magician Archetype is playful, joyful, humorous, can dance in life with fun and frivolity, engaging and connected.
Rather than the distorted dark side of the Magician who is manipulative, covert, agenda-oriented, not transparent or honest.
Or the disowned Magician who can’t dance or enjoy life, who’s shut down to numbness, has lost the mojo for living, stays withdrawn and unable to communicate, that lives a life of loneliness or entrapment, and says “It’s not fair why does this happen to me”, giving life to the victim. Always complaining, nothing is never good enough. As they slowly deteriorate in their unworthiness.

Intimacy takes us on a journey into ourselves, giving yourself the full permission to fully understand all of you.
Intimacy is an inward journey toward your internal expression.
Over time you lose your reference point on what to trust, how to trust or who to trust. Everyone has betrayed themselves time and time again by not knowing how to trust their instincts, (their intuition).
You can get those two words, yes and no, confused, and when you do, it puts you in repetitive, unfortunate circumstances, that take time for you to clean up. Collateral emotional loss is the casualty.
You will learn the truth on how to trust, giving you great prosperity, fortune, happiness, joy, peace and calm in your life.

In essence, the Real Man 1™ & Real Man 2™ Workshops support men physically, emotionally and intellectually, in living life on a more powerful, passionate and at their most authentic level.

Body Movement
Body movement unlocks the locked-up feelings and emotions and challenges the social constructs. Body movements are activated to integrate a new Self.
We do a meditation each day that has intention, that shows you what you are going into and what you will get.
We unravel the deep internal work of Unbecoming conditioning, wounds and traumas from your past, you parents, family, and society.
Truth Behaviour
You’ll learn whether you go into depression or you have suppressed emotions that can be healed and changed without unnecessary use of medication.
You’ll find yourself able to release behaviours of sadness and anxiety that you can’t climb out of. There are long time consequences from being on medication, because it numbs out the person rather than healing it authentically.
You’ll learn whether you go into depression or you have suppressed emotions that can be healed and changed without unnecessary use of medication. You’ll find yourself able to release behaviours of sadness and anxiety that you can’t climb out of. There are long time consequences from being on medication, because it numbs out the person rather than healing it authentically.

Cutting Edge Live Processing
The word dotting has originated from Real Education and the principal facilitator and author, Murray Masarik, who has processed people from the basic issues to the most extreme issues, that has given him the ultimate formula on what it takes for a person to get a breakthrough.
Sitting in a therapy room is still just thoughts through discussion. Listening to a facilitator at the front of the room is still just thoughts and discussion. Its only when you live in to the Real situation, circumstance, issue, and play it out that gives the full expression of the truth. With all his experiences aggregated into one moment, a unique process is created for you in an emotional, physical and thought combination.
For example, the only way to learn how to ride a bicycle is to be on it, feeling the imbalance until you discover what balance is and you never forget how to ride a bicycle for the rest of your life. Murray Masarik has facilitated more men and women to massive healing through this process than any other facilitator in Australia. This is the residual credits of success that people talk about 10, 15, 20 years later. It is permanent change. So many people have wasted time, resources and promises of change by others that they have not succeeded as much as Murray Masarik.
Process work for every person who chooses to have a breakthrough and release themselves from the conditioning, wounds, and traumas that is facilitated with a sizeable crew to support through actual, live situations, reenacted through psychodrama by the crew that you are participating in, so you can see yourself reflected in those situations. A process is created for you in that moment about your circumstances to have the ultimate breakthrough.
Then you get to rewrite the new script, sitting in the director’s chair of your amazing life.
This is a pivotal moment in your life as we have been facilitating this for 30 years and 13,000 people have had profound results instantly with instant change, instantly feeling different.

Debriefed and Integrated
You are debriefed in great detail and then integrated with this new reality of living into. This is what we call the dot process where you become the main event cared for in this transformation.
This is deep emotional, embodied change that rewrites a brand-new belief system into a successful belief for the rest of your life.
At Real Man 1 you learn the significance of Sovereignty, and heal the conditioning and trauma that separates you from the Sovereign being you are. You’ll feel the significance of having the right over your destiny, and integrate Sovereignty into your life.
There is a celebration for everyone all the way through the workshop. We discuss how to integrate your new Self into the world.
Ownership and Forgiveness
You will have great understanding of how to take ownership of your life and introduce forgiveness of others, forgiveness of Self; and never allow “this” to happen to you ever again.
Ownership is ‘What you can own, what you can change’ - breaking the spell of denial.

Primal Boundaries
We teach you the power of primal boundaries that may have been broken in you from a very young age. These boundaries will primally protect you physically, and emotionally, and mostly protect your heart.
You will be able to evaluate quickly if this serves you or not. You will learn and embody yes or no.
This will awaken the strong certain part of you within. You will feel safe, secure, and fearless wherever you go for the rest of your life.
Dotting; Supporting Your Brothers
We continue processing - everyone who wants a breakthrough is given an opportunity to be Dotted. Your presence, and observing another’s Dot experience gifts you a lesson that will release and enlighten you, as there are inevitably enough similarities to deepen your breakthrough.
There is a cathartic experience when supporting others this way, where we see ourselves in another. This creates a deep brotherhood bond for the rest of your life. This is held in a very safe and confidential container. You will never be alone again through the rigors of life.

Eros Sensual and Sexual Energy
We introduce the open discussion of your own internal Eros sensual and sexual energy.
You can feel the current run through you so you can relate with the most important person in your life, yourself.
We teach you how it comes from your primal base through discussion that may have been shut down to then open your heart to make love, to allowing yourself the true art of consent and ascending you to the erotic, ecstatic, spiritual bliss with certainty, boundaries and the truth of consent.

Letting Go
You will learn the art of letting go, learning why we hold on to issues and circumstances that are unsupportive. The reason we can’t let go is we get to the underlying issue of your attachment of not giving up those circumstances and we provide a healing path.
You become a master of letting go of that which does not serve you. You learn to embrace vulnerability with boundaries.
You will go through a process called Breathwork that disengages the Ego, that gives you a sneak preview of the remnants of your subconscious; giving you awareness of what is ready to be healed.
By this you gain consciousness, transformation and a cathartic release from those lingering circumstances.
This is another form of cleansing, another form of healing that continues you on your incredible journey.
Heart Opening
You will go on a de-armouring heart process that opens your heart so you can self-love yourself from all the micro cuts on your heart that you have been hurt by in your history.
This is the pathway to self-love rather than rejecting self. As it’s followed through with an integration and a debrief.

Standing around our beautiful fire in your swimmers, placing Indigenous clay infused with red Okra on your body allowing Mother Earth to heal you even more through ceremony. You then enter into an ancient American Indian Siox Sweat Lodge where you go through an incredible cleansing process.
The Rising
You cleanse yourself of your conditioning and trauma through a cleansing ritual in a beautiful creek in the rainforest where the local Indigenous people have been cleansing for thousands of years. You ceremoniously cleanse the red Okra clay off your body, then stand around the fire feeling brand new, clear and cleansed of your conditioning.
Mask Release
With an awakened awareness and consciousness embodied by Saturday night, we fully release the masks by ceremoniously declaring, releasing, and casting your Mask into the fire.
This marks the ending of your old self through an incredible witnessing and letting go process.
Vision Quest
You go into the sweat lodge again, where you see the future you coming towards you; and you imagine going towards it, permanently embedding your new transition.
This is a Vision Quest of the new Self.
Once this ceremony is complete everybody returns feeling surreal and changed as you receive the ultimate paradigm shift.
You return in a deep meditation of peace, gratitude and blessings.

We design and create your new identity in the King, Lover, Warrior, and Magician and discover your new identity. The identity you want to live into. This will be for some of you, the first time that you have created an identity and you will know who you are for the rest of your life. And you will know who you need to live into which is yourself for the rest of your life. We were never taught any of this as a young person.
We have learnt for a long time to live under the illusion of a false identity being a somebody that has disowned or distorted behaviours and we have identified this reality accommodating it with the possession of ego and masks. This process is a complete strip down and what you will find is an identity that you choose to live into.
Ceremony of Acknowledging
Acknowledging our ancestors for surviving and the sole reason we are here today to give homage and respect for their existence.
Ritual Name
You will write your new ritual name and what it means for you moving forward as a part of your initiation ceremony.
Initiation Ceremony
To be completely initiated into your identity that embeds the Real you to live into for the rest of your life. This ceremony of Initiation is so important. Our culture has forgotten this significant transition.
We have a wedding ceremony for the beginning of our relationship, we have a funeral ceremony for the ending of someone’s life, and one of the most important ceremonies is an Initiation into our own identity and Brotherhood that sets us up for the rest of our life.