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Real Education is an organisation that continually provides excellence in personal and professional education.

Our vision is to provide unique, innovative, dynamic and inspirational workshops, seminars and programs that facilitate quantum transformation in the lives of individuals, families, communities and countries.

Welcome to Real Education
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I had long thought the notion of an “Ideal Life” to be little more than a romanticised wish designed to make people feel inadequate and like they were somehow falling behind their contemporaries. I was so wrong. Real Life Design opened my eyes to parts of myself I had no idea existed. It showed me exactly how I live my life and how that was not serving me. I was challenged to find my spark of passion, to appraise my values and how they work for me or don’t work for me as the case was, I was supported through taking complete stock of my life and owning what needed to change. I now have the self-awareness, knowledge and tools to create the life I want. The life I deserve. We only get one life. One. Why waste it? There’s a poignant quote by Jonathon Safran Foer, “Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living.” Don’t let your bones strain any longer, discover how to create the life you want to live and go live it. Rejoice in being alive and having the freedom to design your very own Ideal Life.

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What a phenomenal experience!  I have been searching for answers about my true self for a very long time, trying to understand why certain situations in my life happen and how to completely love myself unconditionally.

Well, I got my answers and then some.

I now have such immense understanding and gratitude that everything I have experienced in my life has happened for me, to bring me to exactly where I am today. I learnt how to genially and lovingly be in my own body and mind.  I discovered why I had uncertainty about my choices and actions.

I was also able to give back the emotions; beliefs and conditioning that were not mine to hold onto.

I am not the same woman I was going to the mountain; this experience has truly impacted me in so many beautiful ways. I have come back with profound SELF LOVE and a true deep feeling of INNER PEACE.  I no longer have that constant background chatter of self-judgement and criticism, I see really clearly now how I have been holding MYSELF, hostage, all these years and I now have the love, compassion and greater understanding of myself to seek to understand not judge. To move forward with clear, authentic certainty that I AM truly on my SOUL’S PURPOSE JOURNEY.

Thank you for shining the light so that I could finally see into me.

Love and Gratitude

Deb Lobendahn

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I’ve personally witnessed the transformation that happens to the men and women with guts enough to get in touch with the best possible version of themselves through these workshops. I can only say ‘Do it! It’s absolutely worth it, your life will never be the same.’ It’s been the most incredible experience of my life & I encourage everyone struggling with something in their life to do it! It’s helped me get off anti-depressants, recover from the anxiety that’s been part of my life forever, redesign formerly destructive family relationships, deepened friendships old & new and finally REALLY get over my miscarriages. Working on dealing with a severely messed up relationship breakdown and figuring out who I want to be for ME! It’s a journey but this is your rocket that will get you among the stars.

-Kirsten Walpole

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This Workshop, it shed my skin, ripped open my heart and woke me up.

– Mark Robertson

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Being a man is easy but being a “Real Man” takes everything.  I became a “Real Man” by accomplishing my challenges, through Real Man 1.  Thank you for giving me the courage to become everything I am destined to be.

– Robert Wright

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I feel gratitude, love and so on the right track to my Ideal Life. I feel like the tools are there now and I control my life and it’s a fantastic journey! Thank you to all for the support and the learnings.

M. Ferris

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I loved that I didn’t know what was going to happen over the weekend, this gave me the opportunity to break through any fears that came up through this I felt both empowered and supported.  The workshop reached me on such a deep level spiritually, emotionally and physically. I was able to release the pain that I had held on to for a long time and I now feel healthier in my body.

A. Officer

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I felt that to be a “Real Man” meant that I had to be 10 foot tall and bulletproof, that I had to adopt an “I’m OK” persona and externally look like I had everything under control. I felt that I couldn’t ask for help and that I had to figure it out all by myself. At Real Man 1, I realised that Real Men come in different sizes, ages, and from all walks of life, the common theme being that they have the courage to address their greatest fears. The bonding, laughter, honesty and connection amongst my new brothers is extraordinary. I believe that every man deserves to know and reveal the Real Man inside.

J. Karagiannis

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The Real Man journey has been a profound, life-changing experience for me, filled with challenges and then with learnings, skills and ideas to apply in my life going forward. It is done within an immensely supportive environment and with people dedicated to helping you achieve “full-on” breakthroughs. My time spent at Real 1 and 2 will remain with me for my entire life! Just do it! Highly, highly recommended!

Dr. B. Phillips

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Real Education

The balance between masculine and feminine energies is often misunderstood and oversimplified in modern society. Men, in particular, are frequently encouraged to align with traditionally masculine traits such as strength, assertiveness, and rationality. These traits are often prized as the markers of what it means to “be a man.” On the other hand, feminine qualities …

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Real Education

The concept of the “Golden Ball” serves as a powerful metaphor for the core essence of one’s true self—an inner light untouched by external influences, societal pressures, or cultural conditioning. For many men, this part of themselves is buried beneath layers of unconscious defenses, shaped by years of suppressing their authentic desires and values. Reclaiming …

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  • About Us

    Real Education began with our first ever Workshop – Real Man, in 1996. Since then, we have grown and prospered and now we deliver a wide variety of Personal Development Workshops, etc...
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