The Real Coach Program is one of the most comprehensive Coaching and Communications Programs in the world.
Our Coach Program activates the ultimate extraordinary super power of the human spirit. This Program is for people who desire to live a rare and exquisite life!
In our fast paced and often complex world, enhanced communication skills are a necessity.
The Real Coach Program has been purposely designed to offer you the most dynamic and innovative Personal and Professional Coaching and Communication skills available.
Over two decades of delivering the Real Coach Program, with a commitment to continuous refinement, sets the Real Coach Program apart from other programs.
This program is truly a transformational experience of a lifetime. Explore how the Real Coach Program can revolutionise your life.
Coach Program Intention
The intention of the coach program is to turn you, teach you, and train you to have a relationship with yourself in the art of communication and your interpersonal skills of relating.
Where your spoken word connected with your vibration and frequency is translated so powerfully, and so effortlessly, they receive the full extent of your message. You will also learn the philosophy, the methodology, the skills of everything Murray Masarik knows in communication. You have seen him in his fullness in workshops and seminars.
He will reveal all of his gifts so you can utilize it. This is a lifetime gift that you will receive that will land in you. You will use this for the rest of your life.
Becoming a REAL Coach is a Rare Skillset
Whether you coach or not, this is one of the greatest journeys that you can do becoming a knowing, wise, individual.
People will hear you, see you, and feel you for your incredible quality and support.
This is a rare skillset, becoming a REAL coach.

This is a life mastery.

REAL Coach Model
The model is experiential. You get to experience every aspect of the coaching live through all the exercises, games, and the teachings. You actually practice these skills live and embody them physically, emotionally, and mentally.
You never forget how to ride a bicycle and you never forget how to use these coaching skills.
This event is active where you will participate in every aspect.
You will gain the ultimate edge on what true leadership is about that has you revered and respected for your direction and your ability to create a team that works in a cohesive cooperative model and aligned to the common cause of the project.
The number of participants that chose the REAL Coach program and then gone onto the highest level of leadership in their many work environments and created pathways of profound career growth through their understanding and knowing of these key leadership dynamics is enormous.
Corporately this is a valuable journey for those who choose it. There is a fine art in how to inspire and lead at the same time and maintain clarity.
Purpose of a Coach
A coach creates understanding, transformation, growth, healing, and evolution in your own magnificent life and the person you coach.
Most people who do the Coach program don’t become a coach. They use the skills in their work, social and family environments because they are insatiably curious to have mastery on this incredible skillset.

Real Coach Program 2025
Real Confidence
You will gain confidence that you never realised before, as coaching will give you certainty in the unknown, the unpredictable, and the awkwardness, to gain a clear specific certainty and knowing with great accuracy. You will never have any lack of confidence in anything ever again. Confidence gets dissected in the ability to understand your worthiness, your self-esteem, your self-permission, your inspiration, your motivation, your good enough, your ability to stand in the unknown in unfamiliar circumstances with extreme certainty.
Feeling Matrix
You will understand so many varieties of feelings that you never knew existed within you. Once they’re embedded you will know all the variety of feelings in any person you deal with. This is a gateway in understanding their feelings. There is a beautiful portal in this translation that gives you further insights to the people you are working with.
On Centre Behaviours
You will clearly find the centre point of your existence with so much power that you will see anything that is distorted and disowned in yourself giving you the capacity to find your true centre; revealing the distorted and disowned to return to yourself, with grace, ease, humility and inspiration.
Everybody wants to heal, everybody wants to change, and only a centered person can bring a centered person to that place, becoming first what you desire in othe
Binary Dynamics
You will see clearly the interplay of one person to another, and how they become so enmeshed and complicated with each other. You will learn the secret to unravelling this enmeshment so they can communicate clearly with others, especially in relationship, family and personal dynamics.
Guide to Understanding Yourself
Through everything you will learn as coaching skills, you will get mastery of and become congruent with your own knowing. As Gandhi, would say, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
Confidentiality has been a very misunderstood word. There are several distinctions about confidentiality that you will grow into giving you a strong stable platform. By understanding the privacy you hold with another through trust that will allow them to reveal their complicated world in a safe space with better understanding in all situations.
You will train in an environment that exposes you to ethical evaluations so that in your life mastery and practice you never have to question safety.
You will master the reality of integrity noticing its outpoints and how to bring integrity into a working practice within yourself and for others. This liberates a person with freedom and choice, maintaining the purity of everything around them. As great philosophers would say, "Integrity is the essence of everything."
Questions & Communication
There are specific formulas in how to deliver a statement and ask a question that opens up people’s realities, wounds, conditioning, and limitations to bring them to a level of change and success that is priceless and effortless.
Precision Model
There is a mapping model called the Precision Model that gets anchored within you as a technique, giving you the upper hand on how to handle any negotiations. It gives you the power to navigate through someone’s reality and you will always know how to enter the conversation with the correct language. In this coaching model, you will never be left not knowing what to say.
Laser Communication
There are two hundred and sixty-eight specific questions in certain areas of communication that have been designed to penetrate any thought process and feeling with a person, giving you an edge in unravelling their circumstance for great change and healing to occur.
Linking Words
A higher level of communication is understanding how to link the right words to the right situation to bring about change and evolution
Communication Media
You will be taught through a special technique whether a person is telling the truth or making up a non truth. You will know whether they are talking to themselves, preparing the words, knowing what is authentic or not real. You will also learn whether they are accessing thought or feeling. In a nutshell, you will know whether they are lying or telling the truth. This model is used with the army, detectives, and specific police in interrogating criminals. However, we use it with compassion to navigate to the ultimate truth with safety for a healing and changing process.
Communication Indicators and Strategies
You will understand the person you are dealing with if the communication is received through auditory listening, visual seeing, or kinesthetic feeling. As a great coach you must know those three different areas in how this person wants to be related to. You will understand their primary language of communication. It is a an entry point, a gateway that is crucial in coaching and in any conversation. These three styles are vastly different from one another and you need to know which one to use in order to effect the greatest communication success.
You will learn how to paraphrase and summarise the person’s spoken words back to them. You then gain further clarity and understanding. The further the understanding, both people will get clarity.
Getting Present
There is a process and a technique we run you through, how to be in the here and now, every microsecond. Not living in the past, not living in the future, but in the now, and in this technique you hear and feel and see the exact truth. Many times the unspoken truth.
Micro Listening Skills
You will learn this next level of invisible listening. We fine tune you to listen within the listening, to discover the finest nuance often lost through the spoken word and generally missed. This becomes the thin thread that you take ahold of in the unpacking of their complicated circumstances. Often a thread the person can’t even hear themselves.
Listening Actively
We will regenerate through a process of the rapture of opening up, with listening skills that you never knew existed within you. Once you’ve learned this technique you hear everything. It is like hearing the combination to the padlock of their fixed way of being and resistance that the other person often can’t even hear themselves.
Tone Scale
You will be trained to understand the spectrum of tone scale and the underlying feelings connected to the tone scales that gives you a great insight into their situation.
Heart Connection
We activate the heart intelligence as a communication medium that gives you profound insights of what they are not saying in their heart and what they are trying to say in their heart.
Mirror & Rapport
This incredible technique that we teach in a unique way, allowing the mirroring of a person’s physiology, emotional state, thought processes and embodied pain, gives you and the person you support access to an enormous resource of information. The excitement of their body delivering a communication message without spoken words is profound, opening the door to understanding what the body is saying or not saying, rather than the mind.
Power of Language
Over the duration of the REAL Coach program, you will learn the power of the spoken word. Your word is your instrument of reaching people, where they pay attention to your mastery of skills. The most powerful people in the world always have power in their words. This is what you will learn.
You will learn the fine art of validating at the correct moment to their reality of possibilities.
There is a timeline in acknowledgement that the client needs to receive that is critical. If done at the wrong time it will close them up, if done at the right time it will open them up to trust and understanding.
Encouragement is not just a pleasant concept but actually it is critical in activating a person’s internal power source, with courage, to move out of circumstances or through situations they fear.
Responding and Reacting
You will learn the power within to respond with great clarity rather than a reaction that will contract and freeze any situation.
There is a process that everyone goes through that gets mastery of detachment while staying connected to the other person and themselves.
You will learn how to deliver accountability that holds the other person accountable to their commitments effortlessly and inspirationally.
Responsibility will be broken down into several portions that are relatable and transferable. Responsibility brings the collective of all circumstances to a state of transformation.
Being / Behaviour
You will learn the difference of the specific states of being and behavior that are known as ‘dichotomizing’. The defining of these states creates a space that these are never mixed up.
Transparency is a high level of communication that has many layers to it and when used correctly it will create the most profound trust, honor, and reverence. It is the liquid enabling the fluidity of communication messages and the basis of fearless honesty that can be revealed and held.
You will learn how to recognize the ego; to dismantle it, and communicate through coaching in a egoless reality. You will learn to minimize and recognize the destruction of ego and how to implement the right skills in order to move forward.
You will learn how to bring out the humbleness in the individual safely so that they can descend into humility and find themselves speaking the truth without fear in a purity of their spoken word.
Instinct and Intuition
You will learn the difference of instinct and intuition and how these two operate individually and separately. You will learn the power of pure instinct and its foundation. You will learn the power of intuition and its capacity of knowing.
You will learn the difference between emotional, physical, energetic, embodiment and psychological boundaries, enabling the understanding of their applications in all situations.
Powerless to Powerfull
There is a profound transition from powerless to powerful, based on all these profound skills that adds to your foundation of confidence and certainty. You will never be lost with what to say, be or do.
Reasons and Choices
We pull apart the reasoning behind your decision making to understand how you made those choices. These come from separate decision making parts of you. You will gain a defined clarity about both. Reasons are driven by historical situations. The choice is freewill of decisions.
Knowing how to deliver feedback is truly a magnificent skill with space, time and matter and in the correct sequence that liberates people to expansion and evolution. Done incorrectly is fatal and always remembered as an attack.
You will get specific quality homework that will add to your acceleration as a coach.

It is impossible for you to not learn, as you will be guided and corrected with all the skill sets you’ve learned in every module with clarity.
Coaching Sessions
You will be paired up as a trainee coach with another participant and you coach that person based on all the skills you’ve learned in this module. Same as module 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Additionally, you will be coached by a participant coach at the same.
There will be four coaching sessions per module for a one on one, hour duration time frame. Additionally you will be coached by our well trained professional mentor coaches for 3 one hour sessions per modules 1,2, 3, 4, and 5.
This is done after, outside the modules as homework.
You will heal, change, evolve, and transform beyond your understanding as a life skill for the rest of your life.

It’s like he’s telling you the sequence and the secrets of how he processes people and describes each moment by moment by moment on how he does it.
Group Coaching Review
The facilitator will dissect all your coaching. Everyone in the room is involved and will give you precious insights on what worked and what didn’t work.
It is extraordinary how Murray Masarik does this and the insights are profound. This is the ultimate learning.
An extraordinary learning environment conducted live where coaching is pulled apart implementing everyone in the session with skills on how to be far greater and more effective in your next coaching module. Group learning at it’s very finest.
This technique is only revealed to the REAL Coach Program.

Authenticity & Masks
You will learn the De-armouring process of the masks people wear and how they arrived to that state of being so that they never have to pretend again. They return to their authenticity, their own nature, that was always just perfect for them.
Congruency is making sure your words are the same as your intentions and your intentions are the same as your actions. This brings total alignment within the person and it moves them quicker in a direction they are pursuing.
You will learn how to diffuse someone from their blame cycle that keeps them caught up in their shadow behavior and how it contracts people and puts them in a complicated situation, to a way of openness and understanding.
You will learn how to unpeel the toxic shame that occupies someone, that minimizes their way of being as an individual.
You will learn how to release people from the curse of guilt that occupies them, that debilitates them to a space of acceptance and freedom.
You will unshackle someone's obligation that is generally not theirs, to the clarity of choosing their chosen obligations that they have agreed to and honor.
You will learn how to break open and obliterate someone’s judgments, where they have become addicted to making things wrong as a way of life. This will enable them to see further possibilities which is profoundly liberating.
You will know how to navigate through someone who is in shadow believing that they are an expert on everything. Through accessing humility you will break their expertism down with them freeing them up from a relentless cycle of all that comes with expertism.
Know it All
You will know how to work into the inside of a know it all and gracefully realize how much they don’t know and how to inspire them to become wise, humble, and ready for the new.
You will learn how to reveal the dogma of righteousness in a person’s fixed way of being allowing them to move into viewing all the varieties and possibilities that are life giving, integral and supportive.
Not Interested
There is an incredibly amazing skillset to be learnt in how to move alongside someone who is not interested through defiance. Done skillfully you can support them to engage, with interest in the possibilities of an alternate life path for a better future.
Drain People
You will be able to localise the specific behaviour that is consumptive and draining and turn that around and remove them from this victim state into a much newer way of life.
Confusion vs Illusions
You will be trained in how confusion gets created, then embedded through illusion thus gripping the individual. In unravelling these truths you will support the manifestation of their mindsets to the real truths, confusion free.
Your Dynamic vs My Dynamic
You will notice all the variations of people, dynamics and their play with each other in the midst of all the interplay. In this dynamic you will have the mental clarity and the knowing of how to handle this situation.
You will be able to discern the difference between when someone is communicating to the extent of their spoken ability and when they are emotionally connected to the embodied verbalisation of what is really going on.
Venting Process
There is an understanding between someone venting that needs to vent, the pressure of the situation and someone expressing out of concern. Those two areas get muddled up and you will be taught to notice the difference.
You will learn how to eliminate the sidestepping of justification designed to deflect and create resistance by those who haven’t yet learnt how to create a safe passage, that’s brave and integral in living into the truth of circumstances and situations.
You will learn the art of purging goals and differentiating essential goals or desire goals. They are vastly different and both need to be addressed. When setting a goal there is a formula the person must grow into in order for this goal to happen.
Goal Purge Internal / External Areas
You will learn specific goals that are internal within the person's own state of being with themselves. There are external goals that are important as well.
Goal Purge Priorities
There is a process to understanding goal priorities that identifies the most significant ones to be addressed.
Qualifying the Goals
Every goal needs to be qualified on its truth to exist that is aligned within the individual. Chasing the wrong goal is a waste of time.
Goal Strategies
You will learn the strategies of how to implement the goals that will come through, otherwise they will just stay as an idea. We create the momentum for traction and manifestation.
Commitment Virtues
We split commitment into eight virtues and through addressing each one we heal, change and turn each of these into a super power capsule of commitment. This becomes a formidable formula, an unstoppable movement that will pursue and conquer anything.
Self Diagnostic
This workshop is a self-diagnostic process to your own existence and how you play the game of life. It will hold you accountable to your path and clean up any loose ends in your way of life.

The REAL Coach program is one of the most comprehensive coaching and communication programs in the world.
REAL Coach program creates profound results in the art of communication and delivering your spoken word.
Group Coaching Review
The facilitator will dissect all your coaching. Everyone in the room is involved and will give you precious insights on what worked and what didn’t work.
It is extraordinary how Murray Masarik does this and the insights are profound. This is the ultimate learning.
An extraordinary learning environment conducted live where coaching is pulled apart implementing everyone in the session with skills on how to be far greater and more effective in your next coaching module. Group learning at it’s very finest.
This technique is only revealed to the REAL Coach Program.

Competencies Describing a Real Coach
You will learn the core competencies of what is to be a great life coach and what you will have to learn to be a life coach.
3D Coaching
We present to you the art of 3-dimensional coaching that means we go deep into the real truth of what people are going through, that differentiates the Real Coach program from any other program that only go 1-dimensional.
Tools of Success
You will have endless tools available at your fingertips for privileged use by you in using with your work with those you support.
Accelerated Expansion
We bring forward the concept of quickening and acceleration so that your people are not wasting life or time in order to achieve expansion and evolution quicker, becoming the greatest versions of themselves.
Holding the Space
There is energetic understanding on how to hold the space for an individual. Through this training, you will learn this capacity for people to settle and open up, as you get your message of transformation across.
There is a training that we go through that teaches you to empathize with someone’s circumstances without losing yourself with someone in it to support their journey.
Most people fall victim to sympathy in helping and they need the training in how not to do this. Sympathy means that you are brought up in their story and lose your capacity to assist them in their life. It’s a varied skill set needed to not fall into and be swept up by their circumstances.
There are so many varied processes around humility for the coach to become humble so they give up defending themselves in a reality of defensiveness and judgment. This gives you the extra capacity to see inside the truth of what is going on for them. You never want to be a judgmental coach as this will block you from your greatness.
Probing and Challenging
There is an intense skill set that you learn how to gracefully probe someone about specific issues and to challenge them on how to face these issues. Where they feel and believe they have the willingness to go into that with your coaching through the safety and trust that you will learn.
You will learn how to open up the concept of ownership in people’s lives where they feel safe and own their complicated circumstances. Shadow behavior that is wreaking havoc in their life. Learning through ownership to feel safe to reveal their shadow behavior and create healing to stop repeating non life giving behaviors.
To invite people to fearlessly declare their truths, their clumsiness, their new way of being, and how this will liberate them to more freedom and a better version of themselves.
We reverse the myth of rejection and turn it into a power concept of learning and correction; not allowing it to hurt us or them but rather give us the clues to the next step.
We bring awareness to the individual of their unseen projections that they land on other people and in this realization, they start to understand the damage and how to change this behaviour based on their wounds and beliefs. We turn rejection into a super power.
Most people at times will find themselves in overwhelm and there is a fine skill on how to eliminate, diffuse and bring overwhelm out of their nervous system into a state of clarity and back to an energised state.
We teach you to understand the avoidance people use in how to release them from this grip so they don’t walk backwards and escape, but have the courage and the bravery to approach any situation anywhere and anytime with anyone.
We get into the inside of the inside of the destruction of procrastination and we unbecome it. We change it into a super power of moving forward, where every situation is possible.
You will get a profound knowing of how to isolate situations in its separateness and decide in that separateness the clarity that's required to make quality decisions.
There is an art in self-reflection which is an inward journey of one truly seeing oneself. Another is the reflection back of parts of themselves that they can notice for healing and change. Only then do they know what to do with it. Hence the word, mirroring back. Mirroring back parts of yourself that lived within them.
There are certain, "don'ts" that you do in a coaching program that does not aggravate people that is crucial to understand.
To find the truth of people’s hidden agendas, and to hear what they are not saying with an intention of doing something in another direction.
Portfolio Syndrome
How to recognize someone who is gathering information on an individual to revenge or assassinate covertly.
Wounded / Conditioned Child
We will start to understand the wounded inner child throughout this Coach Program and how it plays out in the adult version.
Running Out the Movie Process
We have this phenomenal technique of how to handle people making false movies that are disruptive. For example, people will make a movie of worst-case scenario and put themselves into a panic or a fear state, then we turn that around to a positive, encouraging state. We have all been trained to go to worst case scenario from history by society’s conditioning.
Coach and Client Alignment
In a very short time, you will feel this cohesive co-operation of alignment with the people that you are working together with toward a common direction for the individual. It’s a symbiosis synergistic union that creates results so fast.
Advice and Coaching
You learn the difference of coaching someone for their own answer. Advice is something you don’t do.

REAL Life Coaches are MORE equipped to SUPPORT people because they are COMMITTED to GROWTH, HEALING and #BeingAuthentic. #RealLifeCoaches are #Aware that #Healing and #Growth are a CONTINUAL #Journey, for them also -not just their client. #REAL Life #Coaches WALK their TALK.
Group Coaching Review
The facilitator will dissect all your coaching. Everyone in the room is involved and will give you precious insights on what worked and what didn’t work.
It is extraordinary how Murray Masarik does this and the insights are profound. This is the ultimate learning.
An extraordinary learning environment conducted live where coaching is pulled apart implementing everyone in the session with skills on how to be far greater and more effective in your next coaching module. Group learning at it’s very finest.
This technique is only revealed to the REAL Coach Program.

Freeze Frame
Sometimes in deep discussion you need to freeze the conversation and dissect the dialogue so we can get further understanding, stopping the flow of communication, to gain further clarity.
There are times you will learn how to pull a specific area in the conversation apart to open it up to a larger view seeing all the fine distinctions inside that area for greater clarity and understanding. Then placing it back into the conversation to continue the issue’s unravelment.
There is a fine skill in knowing how to pre-frame and how to rearrange and present the right words before delivering the message so it can land in their mind, heart, and soul.
How to deconstruct someone else’s thought processes that has occupied this person in a destructive way to a constructive way.
Masculine & Feminine energies
You will learn the truth and you understand the purity of energies without toxicity, distortion or disownment. You will learn how these two energetic fields live in the one sphere as unity and balance that holds a foundation in unity and balance for communicating through and presenting themselves to the world.
There will be a greater awareness of the archetypes: King, Queen, Warrior, Lover, and Magician. You will learn how those qualities occupy a person’s identity and ensure they do not distort or disown those archetypes and to live on centre with behaviors that live through the qualities that are all on centre.
You will learn many skills about relationship and the four predominant attachment bonds that an individual will learn in a relationship that creates complications and disharmony.
You will learn the difference between intrinsic values and extrinsic values and how to cleanse both of them of its shadow behaviors so they are pure. These are your decision-making formulae for your life.
Intrinsic Values
Intrinsic values are your values from your childhood that makes decisions for you and if they are not pure and whole and cleansed from shadow, they will wreak havoc in your life so if you want to make good quality decisions and have your values cleansed, cleared and ready, the criteria are fully cleansed and aligned.
Extrinsic Values
These are values that you introduce into your life to support your decision making and personal life choices. These are much like a personal project in your life and have a formula to create the results you desire
Intrinsic & Extrinsic Value Embedding
These two styles of values will be embedded through a process. The old will be etched out and you will feel reprogrammed with a new software to operate. With these two sets of values within yourself your decision will be far superior and very accurate. You will not be indecisive or live in doubt.
Decision Making Matrix
Now you have the ultimate formula for defining your life with clear decision making that is aligned with everything that you want to pursue.
You will understand how certain beliefs have landed in you that are unsupportive and we will convert these beliefs through a process that will alter your perception allowing you to see what you would want to pull into your life. Then creating a reality around it, so that you can experience those feelings that are clear, clean, and supportive.
Sabotaging Beliefs & Strategies
We will discover your sabotaging beliefs and we will paradox them into a super power that will turn into successful beliefs that will create massive results in your life.
Disintegrate / Integrate Process
You will learn how to disintegrate someone’s belief system, modify and turn them into a successful belief. This is something they don’t teach at universities with psychology or counseling.
Realizing the Truth
In life we get confused by a variety of truths and it brings a level of confusion, disharmony and misunderstanding. There is a way of finding out the real truth; their truth, my truth, and the truth.
Unravelling Process
You will learn the profound skill of unravelling and unbecoming someone’s issues, traumas, wounds, conditioning and patterning. By breaking it down, transforming them and creating a new pattern of living that is successful for their lives.
Bottom Lining
There is a graceful skill in knowing how to call out someone’s bottom line to the truth. How to make the hard call and to be honored for it and appreciated. This is a very skilled process and done very delicately and yet very strongly.
There is a layering process of really understanding what true acceptance is that will relieve the person from their suffering, their wounds and their agony, so they move to the next stage of change and healing. Knowing how to accept is a process and you will learn this skill.
There is an invisible line of knowing how to give allowance without minimising the power of coaching and how to layer responsibility and accountability inside that reality that brings them to a place of taking action.
Problem Solver
You will learn how to turn problems into the ultimate lessons, the gift, the ultimate power of success.
Driving Questions
Everybody internally was born with a driving question, a force they’ve always had. Left dormant it has no power, activated it is a force. It was the only way a child learned how to talk and walk. It lives within.
Universal Question
You will learn to master the art of staying in the question until the answer lands right in front of you.

Wake up to the TRUTH of you.
Within the REAL #CoachProgram, the answer to the question that is YOU awaits. Will you choose to pick it up?
Group Coaching Review
The facilitator will dissect all your coaching. Everyone in the room is involved and will give you precious insights on what worked and what didn’t work.
It is extraordinary how Murray Masarik does this and the insights are profound. This is the ultimate learning.
An extraordinary learning environment conducted live where coaching is pulled apart implementing everyone in the session with skills on how to be far greater and more effective in your next coaching module. Group learning at it’s very finest.
This technique is only revealed to the REAL Coach Program.

Life Re-Order
You will understand when someone’s life collapses to nothing how to reorder and rise from the ashes with enthusiasm, inspiration and passion to manifest a brand new life.
Re-Set & Re-Fresh
This process is a trained skill on resetting life’s direction to its right destiny. It’s the second chance that we are entitled to live out.
Completions & Closures
There is a vast difference between finding completion and closure around situations in your history. Understanding this difference, then closing out or coming to a place of completion ensures that reoccurrences of the same discontinues.
Life Map & Life Cycles
How to deconstruct someone else’s thought processes that has occupied this person in a destructive way to a constructive way.
Reality vs Perception
At times we can have an unconscious departure from what is real to that which is perceived as real. Getting very clear on these departures allow us to clean them up, heal our ultimate percept and uncomplicate many situations we have unconsciously created.
You will learn peoples trained contradictions and how to collapse it into a truth so they don’t live the complication of contradictions that is opposing and wreaking havoc.
You will hit another level of authenticity that you never knew existed within you at this stage of the REAL Coach program. You will feel different, look different, sound different, but more of who you are, and be fearless in this more authentic self.
Trust has been so confusing with our own lineage of betrayal and you will learn so many ways of perceived trust. Most of all you will learn the power of your own trust within because you can see, hear and feel everything before it happens.
We pull in the consumptive part of distractions that slows our momentum down and creates drama. You will learn the unconscious behavior of always inviting distractions into your life and how they pull you away from your path. That feeling of, "I'm always striving, but never arriving," is because of distractions.
The inner child has been trained to be gripped by the conditioning that they need some kind of permission from someone to pursue what they want. That will be cleared so you exercise your own permission for yourself.
Personal Rhythm
There is a specific rhythm on how we operate in life and we march to our own drum beat. You will be surprised how you haven’t been marching to your own drum beat and you will learn how you will.
There is an insatiable curiosity in the human spirit that has been sanitized and sterilized from our upbringing. You will awaken your true curiosity and experience it in its fullness. Curiosity makes you self-inquire everything that you have imagined.
Earn the Right (ETR)
You will learn the power of your own credibility in the REAL Coach program. You will prepare yourself to stand and deliver your essence with presence gripping any audience to pay attention.

You will recieve a Coach Certification & Professional Accreditation
Group Coaching Review
The facilitator will dissect all your coaching. Everyone in the room is involved and will give you precious insights on what worked and what didn’t work.
It is extraordinary how Murray Masarik does this and the insights are profound. This is the ultimate learning.
An extraordinary learning environment conducted live where coaching is pulled apart implementing everyone in the session with skills on how to be far greater and more effective in your next coaching module. Group learning at it’s very finest.
You will learn the power of your own credibility in the REAL Coach program. You will prepare yourself to stand and deliver your essence with presence, gripping any audience to pay attention.

Stacking Bases-Accelerant
You will learn how to perform under pressure and bring out the brilliance in you that you never thought was possible. You will find that edge that has been dormant.
Critical Mass - Momentum
You will learn the inertia of momentum and what it takes to keep the momentum going effortlessly. It is not hard work. It is actually effortless. You just need to know how.
Niche & Speciality
You will find your own niche style, your own way of coaching, you’re own personal signature of coaching people that is so connected to you. It will be unlike anyone else. Some of your coaching may be niched in your working environment, your family, your personal journey, while training people. This works in any coaching environment, any career, for all.
Subconscious Expression
You will learn how to communicate with someone that struggles to communicate succinctly and/or deeply using techniques to set up an environment with pieces of expression that they can relate more easily to. This strategy is amazing with children that lives in adult form.
There is something within us that does not allow us to be satisfied with what we have accomplished. You’ll learn how to enjoy and be satisfied with all of the steps that you have taken in moving forward and recognising how great you are.
We take you down a path of opening up the concept of gratitude. How it works and the way that it fulfills you. This is crucial to understand. The power that it has within you, being in your own magnificence.
There are times in our lives we need to understand what the Spiritual Law of Blessings are for us, as it is a higher order of appreciation.
There is a practice to be learnt on how to still the mind, quieten the chatter and stories, the movies and the worrying that consume us.
When our nervous system is stressed, we must learn to self-regulate our precious nervous system. There is a practice of being in a state of peace with all, everything, everywhere with everyone. Our internal conflict diminishes when we are not at war with ourselves or other people.
We need to be in harmony with so many things and bring ourselves to harmonise as a way of life. To harmonise is a trained skill within yourself and externally with others. Without it you will find yourself disjointed and in a clear state of disharmony. It’s a practise that if not practised, is like having a musical band not harmonising and then making sounds that don’t blend.
Ideal Life Success Model
This model has a sequence, a formula, a turn key operation of making things come true.
You will unleash any resistance to celebration in a process that invites in the extremely playful part of you that would celebrate like a little child at Christmas time. We need celebration in our life to acknowledge the joy and frivolity of the passing of a cycle and accomplishment that our body needs as a nourishment to keep moving forward. It would be like never laughing at something so hilarious.
Everybody needs to see what their future looks like and what they will pursue. This comes from a specific formula that is driven from childhood through to adulthood; the ending of one’s life that culminates into a clear vision for the future.
Everybody needs a purpose, a reason for being, and this is why they get up and chase their vision. There is a specific formula for finding your purpose that must be aligned with your vision.
Everybody needs a mission which is the 'how' factor, putting things in place to achieve this. Using the power of your purpose, the 'why' factor, connected with your mission, the 'how' of it all, creates your vision which is ultimately the 'what' factor. This is the formula for bringing a vision to life.
Ideal Life
This is where we start to manifest the beginning of creating a life that is completely ideal to your choices and what you would like to live into for the rest of your life. Ideal life is like walking into the shopping centre of your life with a trolley and pulling off the shelves how you want to live into a magnificent life. What does it feel like? What does it sound like? What does it look like? And how it plays out in all areas of life- your career, your work, your dreams, your relationship.