The Talking Stick – Volume Eight

Dear Me,

You are amazing.

You showed courage you didn’t think you had. You acted according to your heart and your gut, knowing there could be an unintended or undesirable outcome. Regardless, you followed your path and did so without fear or judgment.

I am proud of you. I am blessed to observe the changes you are making despite the critics who would keep you locked up tight.

You are blessed with foresight, intuition, and knowing. You tap in, right on time, each time, and you recognise truth in the chaos. You allow others to contribute to your journey, and in doing so, you are worldly.

Just 12 months ago, you were sad, lonely, isolated, and angry. Today you are grateful, respectful, empathetic, and soulful. Above all, you are graceful and truthful. You grow into your sovereignty more and more every day. Your realm is your own now; you are not fearful of what is to come. You are tackling the big issues now, the same issues that once plagued your existence.

Thank you from the bottom of my beautiful heart. You continue to inspire me in all that you do. I love you. I always have. I love you now and forever more.

Your greatest friend and confidante,

Real Sister, Shan