There is often a lot of confusion between Biological Gender (biological sex) and Masculine and Feminine energy.
Now, what we mean by Masculine and Feminine energy is not a “manly” man or a “girly” woman as is frequently described, but rather an expression felt through our presence. Both energies exist within each of us, no matter our biological gender.
Our biological gender is the sex we are assigned at birth. Our physical bodies. Gender expectations are different again, in that they are culturally assigned and conditioned rather than directly coming from primal expression.
Masculine and Feminine energy plays a part in influencing our gender expression also, however, it is not a defining factor and cultural, societal and familial conditioning all play roles in shaping gender expression.
With Masculine and Feminine Energy, women predominantly default to feminine whereas men predominantly default to masculine. But each gender expresses the energies differently, as women and men are wired differently in their way of being.
Masculine energy is logical, direct, conquering, moment by moment, firm, robust. Feminine energy is creative, fluid, nurturing, refined, continual, gentle. Both energies exist within us and we draw on what we need as we need it.
There’s a lot of debate about whether men and women really are so different. We are but we aren’t. Men are very compartmentalised and think in boxes. Each thing lives in its own box. Women have everything all wired together so everything is connected and happening at the same time. This is why they express the energies differently. They are expressed through their male or female brain.
In a relationship dynamic where one partner has more masculine energy, the other one will then have more feminine energy. This is polarisation, the energetic attraction of two opposite poles and the impact of one pole on the other. One polarises the other to the opposite pole.
Polarisation is necessary for attraction and sexual desire.
Without masculine energy, feminine energy is not whole, and vice versa. If you are feeling out of balance you might take some time to work on letting these energies flow more within you.