Real Life Design
Real Life Design is an exciting, dynamic, cutting edge, boutique style Seminar that offers experiential, life-changing learning for people who want success, direction, proven tools and strategies to design your ultimate Ideal Life.
Everyone needs direction, Real Life Design shows you your Vision, Purpose and Mission to give you the clearest and most powerful direction ever. At Real Life Design, you will get clear on what your ideal life looks like, what is stopping you from achieving it and how to bust through that.
ENROL NOWReal Life Design Introduction
We always create in our imagination what our future would like to be and we end up manifesting exactly what we deserve. We bring into relationship that deep down your subconscious has been very busy manifesting your current reality. If it’s not where you want it to be, it’s not what you don’t know it’s what you already know in your subconscious that is working behind the scenes forming, creating manifesting exactly how you want your world to be.
You are the ultimate architect of your life. If you are happy with your life and you want more, excellent, this is the right place to manifest the extras. If you are not happy and fulfilled with your life this will be an incredible seminar for your transformation.
Bring out the Brilliance in You!

Live Your Ideal Life!

Striving VS Never Arriving
We have been conditioned in so many different varied ways to always be working hard towards a destination trying to do the right things. We exhaust our nervous system physically and emotionally and wake up consistently knowing that you have not arrived to where you are.
In Real Life Design we actually open up this limiting concept and start to break down the barriers.
How We Do This
Real Life Design is facilitated through experiential games that simulate Real life experiences. These games will expose the truth of your belief systems, your patterns, and how you create your current circumstances. For some of you it will be the first time you get to witness yourself playing the game that is an extension of your reality.
Your actions in these games mimic how you actually participate in this reality, living your life.
It will be the first time that you will examine consciously what you do around success or sabotage. Only by this will we get to create Real change. You never want to be trapped, surviving by just making a living. Rather, design a life you invite into your world.

Ideal Life
We get you to create an Ideal Life and how you want to live into it. Most people have an idea of what it looks like. However, we reveal how quickly through your upbringing and your conditioning, the reason why you don’t choose it. You use your existing way of being to never have what you want and wished that you did.
There are fundamental secrets that were never taught to you by your upbringing or the education system that is crucial for your amazing life.
It is only very few that know and this sacred information needs to be shared to all of us.
We expose the Real truth of worthiness. The part of you that says deep down, “I am not entitled to this happiness and all this great success.” If this is true inside of you, you will not be able to hold onto your success or allow success to be a way of living. The unconscious guilt will make you give it up and give it away and not seize the opportunity that keeps you at a low level of worthiness that feels comfortable and frustrating.
It is like the shopping trolly of life with a gaping hole at the bottom. Regardless of what you put in there it will never stay.
This is where we heal and change your belief system to own and have what is rightfully yours effortlessly and freely.

Exposure of True Potential
We take you through a game that exposes the true nature of your potential that you were born with. We extract the fundamental reasons why you are so unwilling to choose it or don’t know how to action it. One of the most frustrating situations is waking up every day knowing that you lived half of your potential. So many of us are so scared to live our full 100% potential. Imagine this power fully utilised, living the full 100% of your potential.
It’s a super power. Once unleashed, everything changes.
Not Good Enough
We expose the truth in you. How you have decided through your belief system and experiences that you feel “not good enough,” to create or manifest an extraordinary life. That places you in a position of being incapable and at times you will not try or give up easily. Your belief system will give you the narrative that talks to you like an inner critic saying you’re not good enough.
As a result of this seminar, we change your complete belief structure. That you are beyond capable, good enough to create, manifest and invite a reality that is filled with endless success. You don’t have to be intelligent academically to be good enough. That is why entrepreneurs with a base level education gain wealth effortlessly.

Social Construct Conditioning
We have a society that is caught up in the status quo that means, “Don’t step out, don’t do anything different, comply, do as your told,” that keeps us in captivity inside a prison. Our addiction to being accepted by others keeps us locked up. Rather than breaking free and choosing our own path. Over time some people who dare to step out and follow their path lead the way.
You’ve only got one life. You need to know that you are living the fullness of this precious life that you have been given.
You will have, through the games and processes, an awakening, how to see yourself an extraordinary person that has the right to carve your own path, your own destiny, and take your life in your own hands. That is living the dream.
The Real truth about commitment is that it’s not understood or pulled apart so it becomes a working force for you. We will explore the 8 virtues that live inside the concept of commitment. If you have 1 or 2 virtues that are not functioning in its correct form, you will not harness the super power of commitment that is meant to be a natural energetic force.
We will change and heal those specific virtues that will give you the power to move forward that becomes unstoppable, passionate, and desirable.
Commitment is not meant to be hard work. If its damaged or broken it takes a lot of work and struggle.
Open to Real Commitment!

Success VS Sabotage
If we were given 100% of energy force to pursue a goal, a concept, an ideal life, a dream, would you live in a successful belief of that reality? Or do you portion it off and produce a sabotaging belief?You will discover the Real truth about what you have been doing to yourself, and how you consistently recruit experiences to make you feel less to corrupt your success through sabotage.
Successful Beliefs
We need at least 6 successful beliefs that we are present, conscious and aware of to unleash onto our amazing life and create incredible success.
If you have 3 successful beliefs and 3 sabotaging beliefs, they will oppose each other, neutralising the result to a 0 sum and you will become stuck, working so hard, never arriving. It’s a full-time consumptive job acting out this behaviour. You will feel exhausted and busy creating no results.
If you only have 2 successful beliefs and 4 sabotaging beliefs, you will have nothing, working really hard, going backwards.

How We Change a Belief
In this seminar, Murray Masarik, has the ultimate formula of disintegrating a sabotaging belief converting it into a successful belief and using it as a superpower towards your amazing future. This is a secret, Murray Masarik, has discovered over the last 30 years of facilitating personal growth that is not taught anywhere he knows. You will have this secret formula to change any belief that is sabotaging to you for the rest of your life into a successful belief. This is a priceless gift.
You will face the truth of your unconscious resistance towards being successful. You will dismantle this crippling behaviour that immobilises you, that holds you gripping tight of fear surviving an existence that you are not happy with to liberate you into a movement of pursuing your magnificent life. You will say the narratives, “I wish I would have just gone for it. Why did I hold back? Why was I scared?”
You will have the hand of freedom and liberation behind your back moving you effortlessly towards your future, everything that was hidden in plain site will come into view.
The world of opportunities shows up everywhere.

To be in flow is effortlessly amazing. Everything shows up. There is an understanding of what we call ‘energetic flow.’ That means that the purity of your intention is congruent with you and congruent with all the possibilities out there. Something happens here that is amazing where you become in flow and what that really means is you are able to see and bring forth exactly what needs to happen next, as it was always there, we just couldn’t see it, hear it, or feel it.
This is a true awakening of infinite possibilities landing and arriving in front of you.
Confidence VS Competence
We break down the truth about confidence and take you through the complete journey of this seminar and its real definition.
Competence means that you’ve done it several times and it becomes easy. It is called unconscious competence that is so far from the truth of competence. We have been lied to and tricked about what Real confidence is.
Confidence is having the emotional assuredness, the certainty in the unknown situation that spontaneously arises so we can take advantage of its possibilities to create an amazing future.

Who is the Most Important Person
You will experience a very comprehensive life changing game where you will have to decide through a series of processes who is the most important. You will see how you have given up and not chosen yourself consciously.
This game reveals the ultimate truth on how you have learnt to not make yourself a priority and how to do it elegantly and gracefully.
It will challenge you to realise how important you are in your own reality and to choose yourself first. You are the ultimate director of your life creating a cinematic movie of the existence of your future. You are the main star of your own show. Miracles will happen. This game will show you how you have forgotten the most important person and that is you. Through your upbringings and society’s social constructs, I always say, “Who is really on your team? And are you the leader?”
We are the directors of our life and we recruit and create just like a movie of our own reality.
If you don’t like what you are seeing on the screen of the movie you have created then the director needs to change it and that is you. We will teach you through an amazing process of healing to change. We must like what we see on the screen of the life of our own movie that we created.
We as children were introduced to our values from our families, society, and our environment. A value is a formula that we agree to make decisions from. It is a decision-making formula. However, our values are generally corrupted, not deliberately. They just are. Our values tend to make decisions without clarity that puts us into complicated circumstances.
So, there will be a cleansing and a healing as we discover all of your intrinsic values. We may have a variety of values that do not support us, that may be missing, that do not create an amazing life, so we must add in some values that will give us what we want.
Intrinsic VS Extrinsic Values
An Intrinsic value is an example of what you already have been taught and an extrinsic value is what you invite in. Extrinsic values are values that you introduce that will make quality decisions for your life. For example, if you don’t have the value of ‘health and fitness,’ you’ll never continue at the gym. You will give up all the time and you will never be happy with how your body looks and feels, or care about what you put into it. If you don’t have the value of ‘wealth creation’ you will never pursue creating wealth financially for yourself.

We do a comprehensive goal purge of what you have in your nervous system, in your memory, and emotionally, as a collection of failed goals that you have attempted. You have felt the disappointment, the hardship and the struggle for those not coming true. Whilst this is in your nervous system and subconscious, when you attempt a goal, you will avoid it because you just don’t want the agony of another failed goal.
You will feel the cleansing, the healing and the change of this experience and learn the Real truth on how to set a goal and the formulas of success to make it come true. That gives your nervous system the pleasure of completing, the pleasure of excitement that you can make any goal come true with certainty.
Worst case scenario. We have learnt how to make assumptions and drive it down the path through fear and survival with the ego attached to it of worst case. As we travel down this path of worst-case scenario we instil endless amounts of fear in our nervous system emotionally, physically, of an idea or a possibility, a goal a dream that we end up not pursuing. Through the process we break this debilitating belief system and instil the power of courage that picks up the hand of intelligent risk and has a sneak preview of what’s possible. Filled with enthusiasm, excitement, and a hunger.
Whatever we focus on, we end up there. Its walking through the door of endless opportunities that makes our dreams come true. Fear always moves into core terror and pulls in the dark side of doubt. Nothing, no thing will ever happen. As we toss and turn in an induced anxiousness that cripples us from an amazing future, so we learn to avoid and procrastinate. You will get the ultimate breakthrough through this process.

We have lived in a world of scarcity, chaos, illusions, myths, and a phenetic desperation in humanity of survival. You will be put through an incredible game that leaves you no choice but to rise from this psychological contagion that keeps everybody trapped, panicked, and desperate. To see through the chaos and into the order of endless opportunities. This game will wake you up permanently and you will hear the continuous limitation in environments that have held you captive in their way of thinking.
If you want a magnificent Ideal Life, you need to be far greater and see past their limitations and your own. You will have a full view of a whole new world that was always there waiting for you. Every opportunity you have ever wanted has been waiting for you to reach out and take. The only limitation is you and some people you are around that blind you from it. This is truly a miracle game. Abundance is always waiting for you. You are allowed to take it if you choose it.
Chase Your Passion
For most of us, we have been trained to be safe, secure, pursue security and give up on something that is passionate for us. This stems from the education system and most of all the suffering and struggles your parents and grandparents have endured, and even your ancestors. I say you can have it all.
If you’ve had a suppressed passion or you’ve always wanted to know what a passion is or your curious then you will be given those secrets on how to pursue it and go to the edge and feel safe and secure and invite a reality of living passionately that you’ve always loved to do. You never want to reach the end of your life span and say, “I wished, if only.”
We are only given one life. What does the resume of your life have in it? Can you say, “I have lived my passion,” in your final words at the end of your life span? We are allowed to live passionately.
The Truth of your Legacy- We do an amazing process in this game where we take you on an incredible journey to the end of your life span and then we get you to speak into it, so you discover the Real truth on how you want to be spoken about when you pass. By this, it gives you endless clues, suggestions, insights, on how to live an ideal magnificent life. So many people live an incomplete life and wish they would have known how. You will know how and what and why. This is a true gift everyone must experience.

We have this amazing game/process that takes you down the path of self-esteem. Knowing how to give your own esteem is an endless supply of certainty and self-assuredness.
We have been addicted to others saying we are great- The approval that’s kept us hovering for external esteem. You will learn to switch this around through this incredible game, like passing through a vail to the other side of true self-esteem.
Being empty of self-esteem will never happen again for you.
Second Ideal Life
This is where you really reach and claim the significance and claim that you are the chosen one for your ideal life. It is a shopping trolly that you walk the isles and invite in experiences, concepts, ideas, realities to fulfill your amazing destiny.
When designing a vision there is a strategic formula that needs to be understood and there is a hidden super power buried within the child and the teenager that fuels the adult and gives great clarity in the current vision that you are going to create.
This vision has been collected between the whole seminar aggregated together and distilled into a vision statement that has power, substance, and gives you clarity on what your future looks like. Only by this, you can create a true purpose.

A purpose is designed and put together strategically and is aligned as if it’s your second calling of life- your second chance of life. It has the understanding why you want to be here, your reasons for existing and why you want to do what you want to do. This is such a crucial path of getting it right.
It is the most powerful thing in the morning that wakes you up and gets you out of bed to pursue what is most important. It is beyond survival. It is beyond fear. It’s a relentless desire that captivates you, that brings a deep sense of fulfillment. This gives you the clues to the meaning of your life that can’t be ignored for the awakened. And only now you are ready for a mission.
Mission is another strategic formula on how you will participate and play a game of life. It gives you the knowing of how to fulfill your visions and your goals driven by your purpose and implementing your successful beliefs with quality decisions from your values into the Real manifestation of all of your outcomes. It is the working engine of your creation to come true. Now you know what to do with your life.
Real Life Design™
Real Life Design is an exciting, dynamic, cutting edge, boutique style Seminar that offers experiential, life-changing learning for people who want success, direction, proven tools and strategies to design your ultimate Ideal Life.
This transformational Seminar will show you how to uncover your innate learning virtues, your latent brilliance, your gifts, your talents and your reason for being – leading to Real empowerment.

This game has a process where we will be challenged around the concept of permission. We have this underlying belief that we needed permission to have it all to be successful. For example, we had to put up our hand in school to get permission to go to the toilet. The list goes on of all the areas you had to get permission and we are going to break that spell and liberate you to self-permission. You will get challenged emotionally, physically, spiritually, and in every cell in your body. You will master self-determinism, to give yourself self-permission for your amazing life and for the rest of your life.
Make Choices Deliberately
Real Life Design™ opens you up to see in your heart the amazing person you really are. Instead of living your life with beliefs that are holding you back, you will know how to create your experiences and make choices deliberately – choices that are aligned with your purpose and values. Choices that you know deep down to your very core are right for you.