Real Tantra Aphoridite & Eros
Real Education presents… REAL TANTRA APHRODITE & EROS WORKSHOP which has been designed to take your relationship to the next level! A powerful, transformational Workshop in which we use the most current and effective methodology to set in motion your own unique process of achieving amazing breakthroughs in your relationships and in your own authentic masculine and feminine way of being – bringing you closer to the truth of self-actualisation.
ENROL NOWReal Tantra Intention
What I will be introducing is the true art of Tantra where you will learn ancient sacred skills of consciously relating, connecting, finding each other’s edges of erotic pleasure, moving into the insatiable world of pleasure that awakens this erotic charge, that explodes into ecstasy again and again, until you reach this ecstatic bliss where nothing else exists but the both of you in a world that you thought was never possible to feel into.
Every part of your sexual centre will have raptures of ecstasy and you will touch God Source together and find the deepest love for each other. That every time you engage in this practice its never the same. Because you keep unbecoming the old and discovering more of yourself. We were never taught this.
Unravel Conscious Relating to Discover

The Ultimate Portal to the deepest pleasurable connection

The Lost Aphrodite
The goddess of Aphrodite is an ancient name from the Greeks that represents a sexual woman and for thousands of years, through religion and societal constructs and our parental upbringing, we have divorced and shut down this Aphrodite energy that lives so authentically in us, as we shame her and taboo her and experience thoughts of guilt feeling into her but she’s waiting for you and through ceremony and process you’ve arrived to meet her, understand her, connect with her, embrace her, and live into her and create the union with your own internal Aphrodite so you can learn to be available for yourself and your significant.
There comes a time to awaken the dormant fearless Aphrodite that lives within. It feels like full liberation and freedom.
Where did the Magic Go?
I have been facilitating relationships for 30 years. One of the most tragic losses is that none of the people I’ve worked with have understood or practiced Tantra as a way of existing in a primary relationship. It has to be the most intimate connection in a conscious relating relationship.
We have learnt through trial and error to have base level sex that consists of 4-6 positions for a very tiny little bit of pleasure and by this becomes a routine. Its magic of excitement diminishes. And we get caught in this entrapment of, “Is this all it is?Where did the magic go?”
Agreements, Rules, Guidelines of this workshop
We have very strong agreements that we need everyone to adhere to that this is about you and your primary relationship. And there are many agreements. We have ethical guidelines that must be honored. There will be no nudity. We also have some very strict rules to maintain a safe container [space, environment]. Everyone will learn boundaries so you are completely safe and confidentiality is a must.

The Lost Eros
The God of Eros is an ancient name from the Greeks that represents a sexual man. For thousands of years, through religion and societal constructs and our parental upbringing, we have divorced and shutdown this Eros energy that lives so authentically in us.
We corrupt him and taboo him and experience thoughts of guilt feeling into him but he’s waiting for you and through ceremony and process you’ve arrived to meet him, understand him, connect with him, embrace him, and live into him and create the union with your own internal Eros so you can learn to be available for yourself and your significant.
There comes a time to awaken the dormant integral Eros that lives within. It feels like honouring and freedom.
Walking Through the Portal
You are about to walk through the portal into a reality of Tantra with your being with your lost Aphrodite/Eros to learn the ancient secrets that have been around for thousands of years as you’ll unbecome the old and become the new in this truly amazing journey that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Erotic Resistance
Soon you will learn that you carry this energetic erotic resistance that keeps you away from your Aphrodite/Eros ecstasy and ecstatic bliss. And through this process you’ll start to dismantle, breakdown, and remove those beliefs, those conditionings, that’s kept you trapped in the boredom and imprisonment of routine sex.

You and your partner will learn the true art of consent and how important this is in this practice as no one needs to be forced or put under any pressure to do something they don’t want to.
Lotus Breathing
You will learn the position of being in a lotus breathwork technique. There is a rhythmic breathing to finding each other’s breath and breathing in sync. This adds to the connection. Together you will understand and align your energetic fields and find oneness together, feeling into each other’s realties without words and understanding each other’s breathe and eye gazing. Like, “I see you, I hear you, and I feel you. There you are, right here my chosen lover, my chosen person.”
It’s a super power. Once unleashed, everything changes.
Mapping Your Partner
In this amazing journey you will come to understand there are 4 significant touch points you will be taught.
Massage touch
Nurturing touch
Sensual touch
Sexual touch
You’ll learn to dichotomise and understand all of those practices with each other so you never get confused about your intention and you are clear what is required in conscious relating.

Speaking Into the Parts of My Body
The Art of Raunchy Sex or Love Making
There is an extreme primal sex that needs to be talked into to awaken this part. We do this through an unravelment of discussion, gaining absolute clarity that gives us an understanding. When we are with our partner, we need to know, “Are we making love or are we having raunchy sex?”
Then we introduce Tantra into this energetic field and awaken Aphrodite and Eros so we are consciously relating with great clarity.
Meditation & Intention
Its unbecoming the old that is not you and cleansing and healing your own perception of the purity of conscious relating. Many myths and illusions will be examined that occupy you, that has complicated situations unnecessarily. This is a time to release ourselves into what’s possible.
Morning Body Movement
That releases the body for connection. It releases the restrictions.
An Energetic Awakening
There will be a variety of somatic healing through the awakening process of this journey that goes on all day that you are not aware of that has limited you and kept you in captivity of the full expression of yourself.

Unbecoming the Curse of Sexual Shame
We carry shame for our sexual expression for many generations that somehow, it’s a taboo topic, somehow, we don’t talk about that and it has been made wrong and you can tell how so many families refuse to talk about it because they actually don’t know because they too are trapped in the shame passed down from their grandparents. And to be released from the toxic shame that lives in our nervous system emotionally and in our beliefs, that gives us resistance, that shuts us down, saying that this is wrong that we feel this blame of wanting to embrace this desire of sexual expression.
You will be released through a process and you will feel the ultimate liberation of it into the truth of your natural expression.
Unbecoming the Curse of Sexual Guilt
We carry this undercurrent of guilt like our desires are a mistake. And we forfeit these desires. To escape the guilt that has landed in us for our society, our parental upbringing, as it wraps around our own state of being of expression, through the contraction of the guilt. You will be released through a process and you will feel the ultimate liberation of it into the truth of your natural expression.
The Ultimate Liberation

Unbecoming The Curse of Sexual Conditioning/ Rules
We have taken on the conditioning of so many rules that are not ours and yet we agree to upload that which doesn’t serve us. We hold it strong as this is what you were meant to be.
The rules that society has casted on you that “you should”, religions rules that “you should”, and we have suffocated this intimate, sexual, erotic expression, that is meant to be the most pleasure experience that your body and way of being could receive. Sex confined to the bedroom for 15 minutes 3 times a week is ridiculous, cruel and unfulfilling. Living into Aphrodite, Eros, and Tantra will free you within and liberate you to the truth that you’ve always wanted. And with this you can consciously relate freely and effortlessly.
There are 7 flows that we need to learn in the understanding of receiving pleasure and you will find that you will learn this and release yourself knowing how to receive and give these 7 flows. Your whole body will change. Imagine that you can only laugh half your expression. Its beautiful when we can laugh the full expression. That’s why these 7 flows are so crucial.
Devotion to Your Lover
You will go through a process where you will learn the fullness of what it takes to be a devoted lover through the art of devotion to your lover and when you embrace devotion it goes past commitment; it goes past everything and there is no one else but your chosen one. And you are willing to die for them because they mean everything to you. This builds a trust beyond anything I’ve ever seen or know. And if your partner has devotion, you never will worry of your insecurities ever again. This is the path to connection.

Dance Movement
Dance Movement is technique used for opening up and inviting a new way of existing sexually, sensually, and consciously relating with your partner and expanding your sexual edges of sexual frontier of what you would like to invite in as a way of being.
This meditation is an invitation of what to bring in to your reality a new way of relating into your sexual centre/space for Eros and Aphrodite with the practice of Tantra. You will learn how to go to those edges that you have always been curious about with safety and certainty.
In this next process there is a beautiful tantric practice that you will learn the technique and the art of how to fully worship your partner that invokes something so sacred that is required in every relationship.
Something happens to your partner in this ceremony. That embeds a deep, deep connection of love. They’ve never ever felt before.
Tantric Kiss
Couples have been pashing and kissing for most of their relationship but they have never been taught what a tantric kiss is. Its technique is one of the most beautiful mesmerizing journeys.
To feel into each other’s kissing transcending to a place they never knew was possible. There is so much love energetically transferred through this ceremony.

Awakening Kundalini Within
There is an awakening of Kundalini in Eros and Aphrodite. When they are both activated it amplifies the arousal of pleasure by 50x. In this awakening, it activates this sensual sexual superpower that moves through your whole body and enlivens all senses and gives you a far deeper, greater connection erotically. It creates this erotic charge, that is mind-blowing, exquisite and it is available to us authentically, but it must be cultivated and awakened.
And through this you will feel every cell in your body and when you can feel every cell in your body you will feel your partners every cell in their body. Imagine making love or having raunchy erotic sex with every cell of each other’s bodies activated and connected.
Masculine and Feminine Energies
We will learn how crucial it is to have consciousness in masculine and feminine energies for the interplay and sensual, sexual, erotic pleasure. This is a gateway to being met by each other. If these energies are not balanced, you will not feel met, you will not reach ecstasy and the ecstatic bliss as it creates polarity and attraction.
Becoming Your Partner for just a Moment
You will go into an incredible role play. You’ll become your partner just for a process and feel into what the opposite gender experiences, the challenges and the rigors of what they desire. And by this we gain a deep understanding of gender difference and we start to have compassion and understanding of all the variations that our partner goes through. Until we seek to understand their reality, we have no idea what’s it’s like to relate to. It’s like we see the other side of what you’re actually doing to your partner.
This is a humbling process and a mind-blowing realisation.

Once we get past the initial 2 or 3 years of being together which is generally a primal urge called fantasy love where you fuck all the time and it’s a biological urge to procreate at an unconscious level. This can last for 3-24 months. The relationship takes a turn and this is where we need to have the mastery of polarity. We need to know how to polarise each other as a daily practice and we must understand the art of polarity. Polarity pulls you closer to your partner. You feel the pull. It’s an insatiable attraction towards each other, it’s a wanting, a desiring.
If you don’t learn these techniques, you’ll turn into a companion treating each other like brother’s and sister’s and that is the death of a relationship. Polarity comes first before seduction. Polarity is one of the fundamental keys of staying drawn to each other. Conscious Sex is meant to get better and better after 2 years and it keeps getting better.
Erogenous Zones
There is a beautiful technique of how to find your partner’s erogenous zones. And everyone is slightly different. It’s a discovery you must find out. Knowing how you want to be pleasured, and knowing how to pleasure your partner through connecting to the specific erogenous zones. You want to know that you are the one, the most pleasurable to your partner.
The Positive and Negative Poles of Man and Woman
There is an understanding of the poles in each other’s hearts. And the positive and negative poles in your sexual centre that all go hand in hand that work together and there is a circulation of energetic connection that happens that we need to understand that creates the rapture of the heart orgasms and the sexual centre orgasm at the same time. And this will be explained in great detail because there is a technique and practice that opens up to more pleasure. This phenomenon, this kept secret will be passed over to you and your partner to use as a way of relating deeply.

The Alpha Masculine Unleashed with the Feminine Lioness Unleashed
There is a beautiful process that happens for a couple to unleash the wild masculine lover, the alpha male that unleashes the wild feminine lioness. This is an energetic transmission that happens and is invoked without touching that develops a more insatiable desire for each other.
Unleashing Ravishment for Each Other
There is an important exercise here called ravishment and in this process the giver must calibrate the exact amount of their ravishment to the receiver as this does not want to be too less, or to much. It needs to be exactly right. And through this calibration the right correct amount of ravishment is unleashed. There is a primal, wild, raunchy erotic ravishment that needs to be expressed fully onto each other.
You will learn the importance of this incredible power of intention. Understanding this process is crucial. Ravishment is not taking. It’s actually giving to the receiver. Through awareness and consciousness with full integrity an aching desire is created. This is a beautiful expression of each other’s wildness and rawness that is calibrated for each other to receive. It is necessary to create equilibrium in the relationship as a sense of completeness.

Self-Vertical Connection
This is all of the parts of you feeling the current from the Earth through your legs to your sexual centre, through your heart, through your imagination, through your soul and connecting with God Source.
Vertical Horizontal Connection
This is you and your partner connecting vertically and horizontally from the current in the Earth together with your sexual centre, heart connection, imagination and soul vibrationally with a frequency connecting without touching and you feel like you are one with your partner.
The Art of Seduction
You will go through many processes of how to be the ultimate Aphrodite seductress and Eros seducer. There are so many forms of this practice that we were never taught and you will learn so many techniques that’s crucial of the relationship.
Being in a seductive state doesn’t mean sex, but in a relationship, we need to be always seducing as a way of being. There are so many ways we need to learn how to implement that are enticing, activating and desirable. Aphrodite is Hunting and so is Eros hunting and both do it very differently.
Heart Opening Ceremony
Is a beautiful journey where you learn to become intoxicated by each other. We do this ceremony through many processes and it brings a connection closer. That you become intoxicated with love. It is the most amazing feeling in your body. As you float in and around each other’s orbit connecting and its beyond words.

Next Level of Worshipping- Masculine Male
Worshipping the Female Feminine and the Masculine Male are very different, and it is very powerful to know the techniques of how. By this point of the workshop, you would have gained an understanding of your woman and how to worship her in a way that she feels so sacred, so revered, that transports her to another place of receiving everything that you provide of your expression of worshipping.
Next Level of Worshipping- Masculine Female
Worshipping the Masculine Male and the Female Feminine are very different, and it is very powerful to know the techniques of how. By this point of the workshop, you would have gained an understanding of your man and how to worship him in a way that he feels so sacred, so revered, that transports him to another place of receiving everything that you provide of your expression of worshipping.
Invoking the Serpent
You will go through a beautiful ceremony using clay and your swimmers. In this ceremony, you will be marking the serpent in your partner to be fluid but to move energetically in the erotic flow as a serpent and you’ll notice how each of you will walk differently, move differently, connect differently. Its like two different serpent snakes intertwined together interacting differently.

Sweat Lodge
You’ll enter the sweat lodge together and embody a union of togetherness to ignite the rapture of passion. This is another level of unbecoming. You’ll enter the creek together, cleansing the unwanted, washing the clay off ceremoniously with powerful words of praise. Being in flow under the stars in the moonlight liberating and freeing each other as you gaze into each other eyes, connected. Then you will move out of the creek and stand around the fire in prayer with blessings and in gratitude.
Ignite the rapture of passion
Conscious Fantasies
You will learn how to discover, reveal and express with safety and trust, your desires in your fantasies, in your own space of togetherness, that takes you to the edges of the unknown, the taboo areas, and the naughty parts of you that was so natural. If I have you, I want you to have everything you want.
Conscious Kink
There will be a training in Conscious Kink. It’s an amazing exploration of each other. A super list of practices that you want to do and get mastery over. If you understand the truth of Conscious Kink, its actually not what you think it is. It’s a beautiful ceremony of touch and connection. Tasting fruit blindfolded, dragging feathers over your body, feeling sensations of hot and cold, tuning into smells. It’s done with integrity and honour.

The Meditation
Integrating the invitation of a new reality of Aphrodite/Eros and Tantra in your newfound erotic space with freedom as a way of being, and moving forward in your life with your significant other.
The Morning Dance
The dance of being what is natural to your own authentic desires. Speaking into your own authentic desires fearlessly and liberated.
Conscious Spanking
Conscious Spanking is not what you think. It can be fun and arousing if done correctly. There is a whole technique with conscious spanking that is done in energetic form, using a Chia Gong practice mixed with adoring that evokes a sense of arousal and returns to a pleasure state.
The Dom Sub Play
There is a technique with Dom and Sub play that is done in a beautiful way. Extrapolated out this is where the dominating male is holding the container, who leads and takes action without getting told. It comes from pure instinct of his knowing.
A female feeling safe in the container is a very important step in a Dom Sub relationship. She wants to know you’ve got this. She wants to know that the male can own this, that the male can lead this, as she’s tired of organising, directing, and controlling. It’s a moment in time where she hands it over in pure safety at a primal level. This is very necessary to practice.
She beautifully becomes lost in the surrender. Her mind lets go of any structure, every muscle in her body relaxes in this oceanic freedom.

Becoming One With Each Other
There is a beautiful Keltic ceremony that we go through that declares ourselves to each other in ceremony, “I am here for you. I am all yours. I am here to fulfill your life.” And in this ceremony its saying lets start a brand-new relationship with the same person because we are not who we were 6 months ago. We are evolving. Its best to have a new declaration ceremony with this new evolved person that you’ve known for years.
Blessing Anointment
We take you through a beautiful ceremony of blessing and anointing through the art of worshipping that brings you home, closer to each other’s energetic fields, as this practice is necessary to live into as a way of being.
It drops you into tears of immense appreciation for this beautiful soul that’s in front of you that you have been gifted.
The Oracle Of Your Sexual Nature
We have our own internal oracle that lives within us and so does our partner. In this merger of connection there are amazing, safe, integral ways of honouring each other’s unique differences that serves both parties. Bringing in the twin flame that joins as one flame. We are so gifted to meet another flame that means everything to us. You want to know that they are fully honoured by you for all of who they are, just as you are fully honoured by them. In this ceremony you choose to be brave enough to embrace this beautiful union of difference in relationship with each other. You choose to explore your sexual frontier with each other being your own oracle, inviting in the possibilities of a beautiful conscious relating relationship for the rest of your life.
“As I gaze across humanity floating in this oceanic world, lost, disorientated, looking for external excitement to fill the void of the emptiness of sexual encounter, it all lives within the practice of Tantra. It is the ultimate portal to the deepest pleasurable connection.”
-Murray Masarik
A Portal to the deepest pleasurable connection