Have you ever struggled to think of ONE good thing about yourself? Have you struggled to connect with and understand other people? Or what about being judgmental, pessimistic and selfish?
That was me and that was really hard to admit and own. I started my Real journey just over a year ago. I did Real Relationships, Real Woman 1 and Real Woman 2 all in one year. It has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, finding myself and peeling away the layers of my “shit” that just weren’t serving me.
I have been able to forgive my dad for leaving when we were kids, and I can actually say “I love you” to him now and mean it, whereas before it felt like I had to say it just because he is my dad and he would be hurt if I didn’t. My brothers and sisters and I don’t hate being around each other anymore; instead, we have an amazing friendship and have grown so much closer. I learnt how to better support my youngest sister (the way she needed) when she was struggling in an abusive relationship. I have even noticed positive changes with my family and friends as a result of my own growth. I didn’t expect the ripple effect of positive changes in other people in my life when I did Real.
I no longer struggle to list things I love about myself, and as a result of my self-love journey, I have become less judgmental, more understanding, and FREE.
It feels SO GOOD and invigorating to truly love myself and know who I am and that I am worth it. I find myself risking more by being more vulnerable and raw, sometimes even with strangers, and, man, has it rewarded me with more love and happiness. I can’t wait to see what each day of my life brings.
Real Sister, Jade